Saturday, April 28, 2012

A blog...hmmm...Im usually rather private with a lot of things that I do. It's interesting to read what others are doing, especially in the similar lines of what I like to do, but I still find it difficult to really talk about myself.
Lets start with a bit about myself I suppose.  Im a 44 (almost 45) yr old guy, been married for almost 22 years...there are no children or pets at this time...for almost 16 years we had a Yellow Lab, he was our child. Went everywhere, did just about everything with us..Lived in Colorado for a good while, it's where I grew up, yes Im a farm boy at heart. Lived in Alaska for eight years, now currently in Maui. Been here for about 7 months.
Photography is ingrained in my life. I live, eat, sleep, photography. Even when working for others, it usually has involved the camera in some shape/way/form.  I am self taught. I can remember grabbing photo mags, old books, everything I could get my hands on, absorbing techniques and putting them to use. Trial/Error. The only real formal training I ever had was a high school darkroom course, and that was only to get in the darkroom.  I've worked for school papers/yearbooks, both high school and college, I've worked in camera stores, managed photo labs, worked in large scale, wholesale photo labs, & a stock photo agency, all the while, shooting on my own, for myself. My first studio was in my garage in CO, with two beauty lights on rolling stands that I picked up at a garage sale. I remember they were so old that I knew I would never find bulbs for them should they blow a flash tube. The power box would get hot and crackle if I used them too long.  How the times and technology have changed.  I used to spend hours and hours in the darkroom...only coming out to shoot images, now that time is spent in front of the computer. Adobe Photoshop has replaced my Besseler Enlarger.  These days my studio travels, I have all the gear, a much better set-up, and it's reasonably portable. Give me a 10X15 hotel room (Motel 6), and I can make a studio space...
Photographing beautiful people, wildlife, landscapes, really just about anything, and yes I have I have shot a few weddings as well. I have been published several times..but its not about the money, though most say I should be charging for what I do. Believe me, I have been thinking about it...but how can you put a price on your passion?
I decided to throw this image in with the first blog posting.  It's one of my latest creations. I called it, "We Can Only Dream of Everylasting Life". A message about the human need of self preservation and longevity. Our lives are relatively short in comparison to the natural world. We strive to increase the length of our time on earth, though we can never really compare to a forest.